State Initiatives
1. Farmers No Longer Face Daily Limit Restrictions on Subsidized Diesel
2. 10% Annual Increase in Agricultural Subsidies
3. Up to 70% Increase in Livestock Farmer Subsidies
4. Government Adopts Decrees on Agricultural and Rural Development
5. Increased Subsidies and Controls in Agriculture
Foreign Aid
6. First Call for IPARD 3 Announced
Private Sector
7. Serbian Wine Competitiveness Stifled by Production Costs
8. Insights from the 2023 Agricultural Census
9. Alliance for Regenerative Agriculture of Serbia Founded
10. Expected Rise in Raspberry Prices
11. Disagreement over the Effectiveness of State Agricultural Subsidies
12. Confusion over Reduced and Cancelled Drainage Fees for Farmers
13. Continuing Challenges in Serbian Agriculture
14. Organic Production on the Rise, Challenges Remain
15. eAgrar’s Importance and Inclusivity Challenges
16. Agricultural Policy and Economic Challenges in Serbia